39 Things to do (in the year) Before I Turn 40 - iNeed a Playdate 39 Things to do (in the year) Before I Turn 40 iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


39 Things to do (in the year) Before I Turn 40

It is so hard to believe that I will be forty next year. I don't feel old. Well sometimes I feel old but certainly not thirty-nine much less forty.

I remember crying to a friend that I would be old before I would get married or have kids. I didn’t even want to get married or have kids but my seven year one night stand had gotten married.

That feeling of utter helplessness because life wasn’t stopping while I figured things out was so heavy. All of a sudden I was feeling stifled by some antiquated idea of happily ever after. There was so much I still had to do.

Then life caught up.

Now that I am a year from being forty I have made a list.

39 Things to do (in the year) Before I Turn 40

1. Do something spontaneous. I agreed to do a campaign with the Cleveland Visitor's Bureau and it was fantastic! 

2. Get a payout from Google Ads. - so very close!

3. Take yoga again.

4. Get my passport.

5. Take a trip.

6. Keep a gratitude journal longer than four months.

7. Laugh more.

8. Toss out all the granny underwear I have acquired and buy pretty panties.

9. Visit all of the museums at least once in University Circle

10. Go to church more.

11. Send birthday cards.

12. Tailgate for a football game.

13. Go ice skating.

14. Get a tattoo.

15. Go to a concert.

16. Empty the boxes in my basement.

17. Organize the playroom and donate what the kids don’t use.

18. See a musical.

19. Go to the county or state fair.

20. Ride a rollercoaster.

21. Swim in the ocean.

22. Plant a garden.

23. Take a class.

24. Go rock wall climbing.

25. Do a pub crawl.

26. Bake a pie from scratch.

27. I won’t cover (or pull) my grey hairs.

28. Visit my dad’s grave.

29. Throw a party.

30. Surprise my husband.

31. Surprise my kids. - Surprise #1

32. Read forty books. - again, so close!

33. Have a family volunteer day.

34. Complete Candy Crush.

35. Be more creative.

36. Donate blood.

37. Send a message in a bottle.

38. Take a train.

39. Lose 49 pounds.

I've got this.

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