My Kid's Halloween Costumes the Hits and Misses Over the Years - iNeed a Playdate My Kid's Halloween Costumes the Hits and Misses Over the Years iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


My Kid's Halloween Costumes the Hits and Misses Over the Years

My Kid's Halloween Costumes the Hits and Misses Over the Years

Over the years, my oldest has challenged me nearly every Halloween with his costume. Very rarely could his costume be bought at the local box store. 

My favorite costume of all time was the year he wanted to be a "sheef." It took at least 20 minutes for me to finally ask what's a "sheef?" 

The Chef costume

Boy was I surprised that he was trying to say chef!

The next year he was obsessed with stoplights so much he wanted to be one! It was harder than I thought it would be to make.

The Stop Light Costume

I painted push lights so he could light up!

Some year's I got off easier than others.

The Lego costume

And then there was that year that he just went along because I just could not make him an elevator.

But he made up for it the following year by going as our favorite character and it was easy. And, baby girl not caring what she wore trick or treating was just fantastic!
Doctor Who
Since the year after Doctor Who was pretty basic and not really worth a photo. He had to make up for it! He wanted to be a Cyberman.


Making a Cyberman took d-a-y-s and several cans of paint but it was totally worth it! I thought it was the hardest until he announced that he wanted to be Oh from Home.


I was not sure how I'd pull off making a blobby, purple alien with a bunch of legs.

After a month of putting it off and with the help of Amazon Prime, I sat down Saturday morning and started sewing.

Sewing Oh

Who's got team spirit?!?

Oh! is Home

High hands touching!

Oh the Bovv and CATy Perry

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