12 Funny Things My Kid Said This Past Year - iNeed a Playdate 12 Funny Things My Kid Said This Past Year iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


12 Funny Things My Kid Said This Past Year

12 Cute Things My Kid Said This Past Year

March 24.

4:24 PM.

One week after our third wedding anniversary.

Our little girl came screaming into our life.

Baby R
A rare moment of calm
If she wasn't screaming, she was smiling and babbling.

Before too long she was competing with her older brother for the funniest kid.

I wish I would have kept a better record of the things my oldest said when he was little.

You think you are always going to remember it, but don't. So, I started recording her quips on social media.

Looking back, it was hard to pick a few. I picked 12 out of a thousand things she said this last year.

A photo posted by Mary Johnson (@mryjhnsn) on

A photo posted by Mary Johnson (@mryjhnsn) on

Talking heads

A photo posted by Mary Johnson (@mryjhnsn) on

To be president

Happy birthday, love!
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