How Steak Bruschetta Saved My Marriage (and the recipe for you) - iNeed a Playdate How Steak Bruschetta Saved My Marriage (and the recipe for you) iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


How Steak Bruschetta Saved My Marriage (and the recipe for you)

Okay, maybe steak bruschetta did not actually save my marriage, but it certainly helped when I attempted to make the whole family healthier and went on a baked chicken and steamed veggies kick.

On the fifth day, the Husband threatened divorce if he had another bite of chicken. And, by day seven I believed him and thought I should make a good old-fashioned steak and potatoes meal before he made good on his threat.

As I looked through the freezer I found minute steaks, but since I was going without carbs the potato bin was empty. Luckily, I found a box of stuffing, a recipe on the back for Bruschetta Steak, and I had all the ingredients!

Bruschetta Steak in Five Ingredients

  1. Steak
  2. Stuffing
  3. Canned tomatoes
  4. Mozzarella
  5. Basil

  • Brown steaks on medium to high heat in olive oil
  • For the stuffing: mix one cup of stuffing with one can of tomatoes, water and all, plus 1/2 a cup of water. The mixture should be just barely moist. 
  • Add basil and about a handful of mozzarella to the stuffing mixture then spoon the mixture on top of the steaks. 
  • Cover the steaks and stuffing with mozzarella and cover the pan to cook until the cheese is melted.

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