Ode to Scary Mommy's Confessional - iNeed a Playdate Ode to Scary Mommy's Confessional iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


Ode to Scary Mommy's Confessional

As a mom we are pulled in so many directions that it can be overwhelming and what’s worse is the pressure we put upon ourselves to be the perfect version of the mom that we have created in our minds.

It is easy to feel alone with that much pressure. Sure you can discuss it with girlfriends, mothers or spouses but we don’t always do it, call it fear of failure or need to be in control.

Of course, some of us have a blog and get that instant gratification of sharing our stories with the hope of connecting with like minded souls. It is because of my blog that I found Scary Mommy and in honor of her I am going to share my mommy confessions.

My Top 5 Scary Confessions


I will neglect my family to watch reruns of Doctor Who (or Torchwood).


I have read Fifty Shades of Grey on the playground at a school sponsored event. Not sure which is the confession – the fact that I read Fifty Shades of Grey (the whole series) or that other parents now know that I read it.


My three year old daughter occasionally calls people dumb ass and sometimes she is right so I don’t correct her.


There have been nights, when the baby would not stop screaming and I could not soothe her that I had to stop myself from grabbing my keys and leaving.


When my husband works over night shifts, I go to bed when the kids go to bed. It is as early as 8:00 PM when there is school or as late as 10:00 PM when I just don’t care. Of course, regardless of when I go to bed I am up three hours later and won’t go back to sleep until an hour before my alarm is do to go off.

Care to confess your scary mommy confession?

Don’t forget to enter to win tickets to see Scary Mommy in person on June 30 in Cleveland, OH. All proceeds of the event will go towards the Agnon School.

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