What I Did in a Weekend? Or, How I Hand Sewed a Baby's Fiddle Blanket in a Weekend. - iNeed a Playdate What I Did in a Weekend? Or, How I Hand Sewed a Baby's Fiddle Blanket in a Weekend. iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


What I Did in a Weekend? Or, How I Hand Sewed a Baby's Fiddle Blanket in a Weekend.

This past Sunday was my great niece's baby shower. 

Yes, great niece, which will make this my great, great nephew.  I don't feel that old, but alas, it seems that I am that old.  And, since I am saying that I am old - I will just blame old age on the reason that I put off making a blanket for baby until the weekend of the baby shower.  Its not like I procrastinated.

I am not sure how I can account for why the cord to my sewing machine is missing other then to say it was probably because baby girl likes to pretend she can jump rope with it but seeing as I waited to the weekend of the baby shower to make the blanket I will blame it (again) on old age and forgetfulness.

Anyway, I decided that despite not having a working sewing machine, I was still going to make a fiddle blanket for my soon to be great, great nephew.  What's a fiddle blanket?  Why it is a blanket that baby can fiddle with of course!  I suppose you may call it an activity blanket, regardless, this is the third one that I have made.

I have never sewn anything this big before. At least not by hand and I already had all the fabric cut out so there was no turning back.  I am not sure why I keep torturing myself with sewing other then to say I like the final outcome and I really love the way that this one turned out.

Fiddle Blanket made with cotton, flannel, t-shirt and denim materials.

In addition to all the different fabrics that make up the blanket, there is a swatch from an old pair of my jeans and my son's t-shirt. I used a pocket from a pair the Husband's old cargo pants as the center so baby boy can practice snapping the buttons, putting things in the pocket and pulling things out of it.  I'm thinking I will make a pillow out of the other leg of the husband's cargo pants for my son's bed, but, that is another post.

I debated about adding the ribbons and even the square that makes a crinkle noise when touched but I got pretty confident by day three of my weekend of sewing and threw caution to the wind.  How would it be a true fiddle blanket with out something to fiddle with and make noise?  It turned out great if I don't say so myself.

So... What did you do with your weekend?

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