Ten Things I Would Never Want to Do - iNeed a Playdate Ten Things I Would Never Want to Do iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


Ten Things I Would Never Want to Do

Ten Things I Would Never Want to Do...

1.  be a wife.

2.  be a mom.

3.  join the PTA or for that matter, be a room mom.

4.  drive a mini van. Never, ever.

5.  have a desk job

6. breastfeed (or pump at work)

7.  bake for a bake sale

8.  host play dates and birthday parties

9.  use one of those bulb things to pull snot out of some kid's nose

10. be responsible for any one else.

... and how lucky for me that I did not get, what I thought I wanted.


Mama's Losin' It
The Prompt:
3.) Create a reverse bucket list that names the top ten things you never want to do.
(Inspired by The Hairpin)
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