Big Girls and Sexy Ass (Lane Bryant) Jeans - iNeed a Playdate Big Girls and Sexy Ass (Lane Bryant) Jeans iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


Big Girls and Sexy Ass (Lane Bryant) Jeans

Big Girls and Sexy Ass (Lane Bryant) Jeans

It seems that I may have a book writing itself in my little brain about this couple, who are attracted to each other and they may or may not have sex, yet.  Not sure, since I have only written, like, two things about these fantasy characters.  So, I started jotting down notes about my couple and trying to incorporate the theme...

Yes, I really write my notes on post its, usually on my lunch break and typically instead of reading the book I brought with me to read...  Today, a friend of mine brought up the cover photo on the Lane Bryant catalog, again.

She mentioned it on Facebook two weeks ago but since I was checking out the feed from my iPod I could not see what she was talking about and I forgot about it.  When she brought it up, again, I admitted I had no clue what was going on but knew it must be something for her to mention it twice.  This is not unusual because if it is not mentioned at least 1001 times on Headline News I have no idea what is happening in the world that is not directly around me.

Apparently, the catalog cover is a source of huge controversy so... off I went to check out Lane Bryant's Facebook page.

Pretty curvy girls

This is the source of controversy? Amazingly enough, the controversy comes from those who get the catalogs!  I can totally understand if the outrage came from any other source but those who are all ready fans of the company?  Those who took the time to request a catalog?  Would you not want to be one of the woman on this ad?  I know I would!

So... I became a fan.  How could I not?  A brand that shows fat curvy women as sexy in their ad campaign will always win my business.  Always.  Sure, the average shopper there (myself included) may be bigger but come on... these are beautiful, confident women who exude what I feel in my jeans all ready.

Comments on this photo range from the homophobic (*gasp* girls touching!) to outrage over the exploitation of woman to the laughable comments on this photo's airbrushing.  It must be exhausting for these people to be so angry all of the time.  I would help them down off of their cross but I think they like the view way too much. Besides, I don't want to get my jeans dirty.

I wonder - was there this much outrage over the Dove ads?


I love to wear jeans.  I love the feel of my jeans and I love the way my body is molded by a good pair of jeans.  Jeans bring out a variety of feelings in me from comfort to sex appeal.

Jeans are sexy regardless of why they are being worn, be it man or woman.

Jeans are sexy.

This ad - brilliant.

Thank you Lane Bryant.

Thank you for not only celebrating the female form, and in jeans no less, but thank you for doing away with ads like -

and these -

ad 2ad 3ad 4

For the naysayers, I leave you with this...

Big Girls and Sexy Ass Me
yeah , that's me - apparently ahead of my time.

I know that this is not creative writing but it is non-fiction.  That counts, right?

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