9 Quotes About Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes - iNeed a Playdate 9 Quotes About Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


9 Quotes About Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

9 Quotes About Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

I've been overwhelmed by the usual changes of life. 

You know, the ones that are inevitable. The changes you can't stop like time.

Taking on more responsibility at my day job drained me for several months. I started a new anxiety medication that knocked me on my ass with nausea. My weight has gone down and up. I started working out again to stop because of car issues and not enough sleep. I sound like I am complaining, but these are not necessarily bad things. Just life.

End of the school year and the seeming-endless to-dos is wrapped up. And, now I have a kid about to enter high school. High. School.

I'm so thankful for social media memories. I hope Facebook is around 30 years from now so my kids can see what we did in memories!

I took on a new role within the PTA. Actually, two new roles. I knew I was going to take over events for my daughter's elementary school, but on a whim, I signed up for the Reflections program for citywide PTA council. I am excited and stressed about this one. I could totally f*ck this up. Fingers crossed.

More changes are coming and I'm not ready.

While waiting for changes, here are some of my favorite quotes. Happy Pinning! 

...you know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better #quotes

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” #changes

Growing apart doesn't change the fact that for a long time we grew side by side... #quotes

I believe that everything happens for a reason... #quotes

I have accepted fear as part of life – specifically the fear of change... #quotes

People change and forget to tell each other. #quotes

“People do not change, they are merely revealed.” #quotes

“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.” #quotes

You can't stop the future  You can't rewind the past #quotes

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