3 Days of Doodles - iNeed a Playdate 3 Days of Doodles iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


3 Days of Doodles

I love to doodle.

I even like to color.

It may be the only way I was able to stay awake in school and now in meetings.

There was a study w-a-y back in 2009 that said that, "subjects given a doodling task while listening to a dull phone message had a 29 percent improved recall compared to their non-doodling counterparts." (source)

I don't need an excuse for doodling.

I even used a doodle in a post not that long ago.

I feel like I have discovered a whole world of other doodlers this week and it has inspired me to doodle more.

I was writing in my planner one thing I was thankful for a day; without success.

I am not saying I will doodle all that more often but maybe the days that words escape me I will doodle it instead.

Do you doodle? 

The Prompts: 4.) I love this idea of an art journal, try it (or have your child try it) and share your creation!
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