I Hate Endings, Maybe - iNeed a Playdate I Hate Endings, Maybe iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


I Hate Endings, Maybe

Today’s prompt for NaBloPoMo is how you feel about endings. I hate endings. But, I love new beginnings. I suppose you can’t have one without the other but one does not necessarily mean a bad thing anymore than the other. As much as I hate endings you can’t have a new start without something ending.

The end of NaBloPoMo is tomorrow and I have successfully written a blog post a day for November. This is the first time in three years that I have been able to accomplish a blog post a day, on purpose. Some posts were okay and others were better. One post was featured on BlogHer and some posts just went unnoticed. I had a typo in the title of one post and I thought for sure I would just die of embarrassment. (I didn’t). And, one post hit over a thousand views (I may have had a small stroke) which is a lot for me to get in one week (and it wasn't the one on BlogHer). I even wrote a post checking something off my list.

Endings can be beautiful and sweet. They can be heart wrenchingly sad but also uplifting and joyous. Endings can bring closure and acceptance as well as provide perspective. Maybe I don’t hate endings as much as I thought I did. Maybe I only dislike endings. Maybe I should stop looking at things as ending but as a beginning. Would that be denial?

Change can be wonderful and scary. Change is just another ending disguised as a positive. My experience this month has changed me. It has invigorated my writing and even lead to a couple of new opportunities. I am learning from my mistakes, still, and slowly growing as a writer. Writing is not my first love but I am learning to love it as a creative outlet in a way that I never imagined. I am so very grateful that anyone would read what I write and thankful that someone does.

Thank you.
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