Breastfeeding Blog Hop: Milestones - iNeed a Playdate Breastfeeding Blog Hop: Milestones iNeed a Playdate a Blog for Northeast Ohio Moms


Breastfeeding Blog Hop: Milestones

It’s Week 8 of the Breastfeeding Blog Hop


Today my Bebe, my Jamba Mama, my sweet baby girl is 11 months old and we have been nursing and pumping for 11 months now and I am not sure I see an end in sight, well... at least not for the nursing part... the pumping part might be coming to an end.

You see *gulp* I have not been able to pump at work... not for lack of a place to do it, but that urgency is not there as it was since I went back to work.  I have gone from pumping twice a day and 8 - 10 ounces each time to nada, nothing, zip.

I am slightly heartbroken over this because I was hoping that I would be able to provide milk for her longer then I did my son but as the fates seem to have other plans...

Our wonderful pediatrician has suggested slowly adding cow milk to her breast milk to get her use to it instead of presenting her with a cup of milk on her first birthday.

I know that we will still nurse at night as I am still her human pacifier and I have said before that I will stop when she is ready, but... What if when she is ready - I am not?

This happened with my son, except with my son... he wanted to stop nursing.  And he did.  He wanted to see everything that was going on around him.  He wanted to hold his bottle and he did not want me.  I remember trying to offer him my breast and feeling rejected because he did not want it.  I was heartbroken.  I pumped for another month and then I dried up... sigh.

My Bebe girl, however, loves to nurse and I will continue to nurse for as long as she wants - even if it is just nights and weekends. 
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